About Mirror Lake


Mirror Lake, situated in downtown Saint Petersburg, Florida, is a picturesque urban lake known for its reflective waters and serene atmosphere. Encircled by a well-maintained park, the lake offers a peaceful retreat amidst the city's hustle and bustle. The surrounding area is rich in history and features landmarks like the historic Mirror Lake Library, adding cultural significance to this natural gem. Residents and visitors alike enjoy walking, jogging, and relaxing along the lake’s pathways, taking in the tranquil views. Community efforts to preserve and enhance Mirror Lake's beauty are ongoing, demonstrating a shared commitment to maintaining this beloved urban oasis for future generations.

In 2023, with the help of grant funding from the Tampa Bay Estuary Program, SoUL and Keep Pinellas Beautiful began restoring native plant diversity to lake shoreline while removing significant amounts of debris from this 11-acre stormwater lake park.