Meet Our Champion:

Jennifer Faller

Jennifer Faller is a terrific example of the kind of local Lake Champion we like to see! She recently moved to St. Petersburg from Philadelphia, and is a full-time professional with her own construction-related business.

She loves Florida nature, and likes to walk her dog Steinway several times a day around Mirror Lake Park. Jennifer was dismayed at the amount of litter and trash around the lake and knew she needed to do something about it. With the help of Stewards of Our Urban Lakes, KPB, and a mini-grant from the Tampa Bay Estuary Program, she has put that concern into solid action with tangible results.

Beginning in September 2022, she led a growing group of neighbors and monthly volunteers that removed over 1300 lbs of debris from Mirror Lake and restored 4,000 square feet of lake shoreline, which is twice what was planned! As a result of her focus and energy, the project exceeded all goals and paved the way to receive a follow-up mini-grant this year to continue improving Mirror Lake. In 2024, Jennifer received the 2023 Lake Champion award from KPB for her work on Mirror Lake, St. Petersburg.